CEIPES – International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development is an International non-profit association founded in Palermo in 2007 and with antennas in other 8 European countries.
The mission of CEIPES is to foster and support the sustainable development of local communities and individuals’ empowerment through education and training, human rights and international cooperation
CEIPES believes that education and development are fundamental values to achieve peace and dignity for all human beings. CEIPES acts as a facilitator for activating the community, through an educational approach in order to create and transform energy and resources. This process is necessary for both individual and social development.
- To promote non formal education as a fundamental tool in the education of youth and adults and as complementary to formal education.
- To promote personal and community development through learning mobilities.
- To create new innovative tools and methodologies to develop useful strategies in the field of education through the cooperation with public and private entities at local and international level.
- To promote study, research and innovation, both methodological and technological, with the aim of giving scientific support to the specific activities carried on by our association
- To encourage intercultural dialogue with the objective of fostering mutual understanding and respect between individuals from different cultures
To promote peace, nonviolence and human rights as a fundamental tool reach a world of equality and solidarity in which all human beings can access to their fundamental rights.
Via Francesco Alias 20, Palermo, Italy
+39 0917848236
Contact person
Erika Vagante; Irene Capozzi