The Miguel de Cervantes European University (UEMC) is a private University with about 4,500 students on its Valladolid campus. Since its foundation in 2002, the UEMC has developed quality student-oriented teaching, through personalized attention, small groups and theoretical-practical training in classrooms and laboratories. The high opinions issued by our students are a good proof of the satisfactory experience.
The UEMC offers 17 Official Degrees, 10 Double Degrees, 3 International Degrees, 12 Official Masters and numerous Postgraduate studies. Among our degrees, masters and online courses, our specialization in topics such as Odontology, Criminology, Psychology, Physiotherapy or Journalism stands out.
The UEMC’s educational offer, human and technical resources, infrastructures, our online campus and the organization of the University itself are designed to train future professionals from the highest standards of academic quality.
The UEMC is a pioneer in the development of effective personalized attention, in a tutorial action that helps to strengthen capacities and enhances results, in training through the use of modern information and communication technologies and in offering the possibility to Students boost their studies by learning languages.
The UEMC has a campus with first-class professional facilities that allow the development of practical training in careers, as well as interdisciplinary relationships and a good development of the university environment. To those of more common use such as the University Library, the computer rooms, the sports courts, etc. many others of more specific use are added, such as the Film and TV Production Set, the Radio Studio, the University Clinic, Physiotherapy rooms, gyms, laboratories, etc.
C/ Padre Julio Chevalier 2
+34 983001000
Contact person
Azael J. Herrero