The Project
Project Introduction
Description of the project
Nowadays, the labor market is constantly changing. This is a difficult fenomena for most youngsters, who face serious problems to adapt to the demands of it, but especially to youngsters with less opportunities.
The Gamification of Employment II is the second part of a project co-financed by the European Commission on its KA2 Erasmus+ Cooperation for innovation programs. It started in 2018 with its first part and now in 2022 until 2024, this second part will take place, with a duration of two years.
The Gamification of Employment was a project where table games and the gamification methodology were used in order to give youngsters the more demanded soft skills and competences on today’s labour market. In this first part of the project, innovative practices were created and used with the utilization of table games in different workshops. Also non-formal education methodologies were transferred through the creation of a handbook that spreads the gamification through youth workers and educators.
In this second part of the project, the virtual gamification will be the methodology used. The creation of a virtual innovative learning ecosystem is one of the project results. In this case, skills related to computer science and the management of new technologies will be those acquired by young people. For this, a virtual platform is created, which includes the content related to the subject and an evaluation for each level that is gamified. Also, for the spread of this methodology and contents, and in order to let youth workers and educators know more about this type of non-formal education, a virtual handbook is created.
Purpose and objectives
The main objective of this project is based on creating an association for cooperation to promote transnational cooperation in the field of work with the youth population in order to develop, test and implement innovative methods to promote reskilling and upskilling skills of youth to address digital transformation, through the development of digital readiness, resilience and capabilities. These methods are intended to improve the employability of youth by promoting their skills, abilities and values, promoting a youth prepared to face the social transformation that is coming.
Specific objectives include the creation of innovative practices in the field of youth through the development of a methodology based on virtual gamification, with which to acquire upskilling and reskilling skills that favor the acquisition of knowledge and skills to address digital transformation. To iIncrease the possibilities of transferring innovative methodologies among youth workers and educators, using a production of project results that they can access to understand how to develop and enhance the employability of youth,especially youth with fewer opportunities, in response to the new reality caused by the Covid-19 crisis. Finally, to encourage the organizational development of 5 entities with diverse cultural and organizational experiences and strengthen their association for cooperation, developing and disseminating the production of results of the project created in the field of youth.